Review: Spirit Island

It’s taken us SO LONG to make a Spirit Island video that it’s only appropriate that somebody is PUNISHED. It’s true that back in the day we covered it a bit, but it’s fair to say that this co-op classic had yet to get the love from us that it deserved. But is all well on our precious little island, or do we detect the vile tendrils of HATRED? Does someone HATE this game?? Oh my!

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Spirit Island

In the most distant reaches of the world, magic still exists, embodied by spirits of the land, of the sky, and of every natural thing. As the great powers of Europe stretch their colonial empires further and further, they will inevitably lay claim to a place where spirits still hold power – and when they … Read more

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Podcast #156 – Spirit Tracks

In this deliberately 156th episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Tom and Matt are poring through the back-catalogue after a lovely afternoon of playing nice games together. We’re chugging along in Empyreal: Spells & Steam before literally obliterating hundreds of invaders in Spirit Island. It’s a tonal soufflé! I will not elaborate further.

Have a lovely weekend, folks!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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Podcast #114: The Ocean Grasps a Van

It’s a full house, baby! In this episode of the podcast Ava and Quinns discuss FIVE games, each and every one of which they are IMPRESSED BY. Has that ever happened on the podcast before? We’re not going back to check. That could take *minutes*.

Quinns can offer some early impressions of Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 (04:15), Ava’s been dueling a stranger in Innovation (19:36) (and you can read Ava’s splendid roundup of Chudyk’s games here), there’s a lovely drawing game called Geometric Art (34:12), a revisit of Spirit Island (41:12) and we close the show with some impressions of the hot new card game Spicy (57:35).

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Games News! 29/10/18

Thanks to Meeple Mountain for our header image.

Quinns: Like a blogging Mary Poppins, today I’m floating down from the sky to add a little magic to your life. (Don’t look up my skirt and we can both retain our dignity.)

This week’s Games News offers not one, not two, but six(!) unique Kickstarters from established designers. Some people are saying that the ever-swelling bubble of board game Kickstarters will have to pop at some point. Me? I don’t know about that, but I will say that I’ve never before seen a month where Kickstarter board games have managed to make press releases from more established companies seem repetitious and dull.

I thought that deserved a bit of a celebration. Let’s take a tour!

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Review: Spirit Island

Paul: The invaders are coming. They’re a white tsunami sweeping across the land, surrounding and engulfing everything in their wake, threatening to drag it all beneath the waves. They settle and they spread, they capture and they conquer. Gradually, methodically, they destroy everything.

You and your fellow spirits are all that stands in their way. Together, you will burn, drown and starve as many of them as you can. But, more than anything else, you’ll horrify them, with the hope that your actions are so soul-rendingly awful that their like are never seen again. It’s time to be terrifying.

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