Podcast #163 – The 2021 Christmas Gift Guide

In this FESTIVE 163rd episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, the whole gang’s here to talk you through all kinds of games, big and small, that they reckon you should buy for your loved ones this holiday season! A bumper list of 13 entire boardgames; there’s got to be something for everyone, even if one of them is – of course – Quacks of Quedlinburg.

Fancy something we mention in this episode? <a href=”https://www.shutupandsitdown.com/xmas-gift-guide-the-13-best/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Tap here</a> for shopping links, videos, and brief written details of every game we’ve recommended in this episode.

Have a lovely weekend, folks!

<i>Tap below for full timestamps and more info!</i>


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Christmas Gift Guide – The 13 Best

This week we assembled the whole editorial team for our 2021 Christmas Gift Guide – with everyone picking a small handful of games that are excellent gifts AND currently actually available to buy!*

Below you’ll find links and a brief description of each game, but for more detailed explanations and recommendations, be sure to listen to the podcast episode that’s paired with this post – in which the whole team go through these individual choices. Thanks for reading and listening along, and do share the article or podcast if you think it’s a valuable resource for others this year. Much love from all of us – LET’S GO!

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The Fuzzies

The Fuzzies is a game about creating gravity-defying towers out of fuzzy little balls. Draw a card a remove that color of fuzzy using either tweezers or your fingers but you can not get out of your seat. Stick it anywhere higher on the tower. If you are successful then the next player goes but … Read more

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GAMES NEWS! 27/07/20

Tom: Hello Ava! How is your day so far? I indulged in having a rare THREE slices of toast this morning, 33% more than my usual breakfast.

Ava: Oh dear. Returning to the homestead has lowered your standards for excitement?

Tom: I’m gearing up to film a review in a garage, Ava. It’s all downhill from here.

Ava: I got a bit dazzled last Monday when I found myself accidentally watching Reiner Knizia wearing a hard hat and matching bow tie. He was there to not win the biggest award in board games, the Spiel Des Jahres. I’m a bit sad he dressed up for nothing, but he also looked like he was having a whale of a time.

Tom: He also looks like a rogue trader pretending to be a magician.

Ava: The winners were in fact Daniela and Christian Stöhr designers of Pictures, a game of drawing things without pens. Instead you’re recreating photos using building blocks, pixelated cubes and bits of shoelace. I’ve not found myself particularly intrigued, if I’m honest, but often the details are what makes a party game sing and I’d like to give it a pop.

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