The Top 100 Board Games of All Time – Episode 2: The Quest for El Dorado

Matt: Our adventure through the Top 100 Board Games of All Time continues, with The Quest for El Dorado! And unfortunately, these boys have been CURSED. Due to technical errors part of this video had to be re-recorded (technically, we didn’t record it). Also, the audio in certain sections is a little bit rough and weird – we did our best to recover what we could, and in the future we won’t get cursed by a board game. THANKS

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The Quest for El Dorado

In The Quest for El Dorado, players take the roles of expedition leaders who have embarked on a search for the legendary land of gold in the dense jungles of South America. Each player assembles and equips their own team, hiring various helpers from the scout to the scientist to the aborigine. All of them have one goal in mind: Reaching the golden border first and winning all of the riches for themselves. Whoever chooses the best tactics will be rewarded!

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Podcast #130 – The Big Reiner Lovecast

In this freshly-pressed 130th episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, we’re making amends. “The Beefcast” left the team torn in two, sundered, ruined… borked beyond repair. Now? It’s time to rekindle the fire, and what better way to do so than talk about the man that broke us? That’s right, it’s time … Read more

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This week on Shut Up & Sit Down…

Quinns: Greetings from frosty Brighton, everybody! I wish I could say “snowy Brighton”, but alas, today the sky produced about three sneezes’ worth of snow and then gave up. But while I can’t offer you snow, this week I can offer you a pile of fresh, cool, crunchy board games. On Tuesday Matt and Tom will be streaming what at least some people are calling the game of 2020, Beyond the Sun. Would you like to see what the fuss is about? Was the discussion on podcast #124 not enough for you? Or are you just monstrously impatient for our video review, which will only be published when the game is back in stock? If you answered “Yes”, “No,” and “That’s right”, you won’t want to miss this one. On Wednesday Tom will be publishing a video review of one of board gaming’s stone cold classics, a game that is, in fact, older than he is. But not much older. I can say no more. And then Friday will see the emergence of the very 130th Shut Up & Sit Down podcast. Remember how episode #119 was called “The Big Reiner Beefcast”, in which we all argued about legendary designer Reiner Knizia? We’re tentatively calling episode #130 “The Big Reiner Lovecast”. Look forward to further chat about My City, The Quest for El Dorado, and more besides.

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GAMES NEWS! 15/07/19

Ava: It was a busy weekend for ‘sports’ or as I like to call them ‘meat-games’, but that doesn’t mean the news wheel has stopped turning. Games gonna game and news is gonna news.

Quinns: Oh, you watched the Cricket World Cup final?

Ava: And something called ‘wombledown’ happened? I was drowning in crickets yesterday and it was a treat for rules-lawyers and fans of obscure tiebreakers everywhere.

Quinns: Ever on-brand, I was too busy playing board games this weekend to watch “sports”! I got to introduce four entire people to El Grande. I understand that the winner of Wimbledon was Woody Harrelson?

Ava: Sounds believable to me. Having had to research ‘Woody Harrelson’s face’ for the Monikers box, I doubt I’ll ever be able to escape his sturdy, well-cleft visage. Truly his countenance is a caballero hidden in the castillo of our hearts.

Welcome, everybody, to the excessively digressive games news.

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Podcast #92: Matt’s Crap Trams

All aboard! In this very special tram-isode, your favourite board game podcast is going on a journey. This chat makes stops at the enormous new Race for the Galaxy spinoff New Frontiers, both expansions for Kemet, namely Ta-Seti and Seth, and The Quest for El Dorado, before terminating at the bizarre game of Tramways. After that, Matt had to dash off to hospital for an “adrenaline test”. We’re not sure what that is, but we’re pretty sure it involves him putting on electrodes and then doing a kickflip. Good luck, Matt!

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Review: The Quest for El Dorado and the Heroes & Hexes expansion

With the release of The Quest for El Dorado, it seems that board gaming owes yet another debt to venerable designer Reiner Knizia. This game is a nail-biting race through a troublesome jungle, and we think it’s superb. A solid, simple, clean design.

…But what if you want a wobbly, complex, dirty design? Well, then you could pick up the Heroes & Hexes expansion, which Quinns also investigates in this video.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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