Podcast #119: The Big Reiner Beefcast

In this venomously 119th episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast Ava, Quinns and Tom gather around the podfire to burn every game they own in a ritual that can be traced hundreds of years into the past. It’s to keep it at bay. This week we politely disagree about Village Green (01:51), tut about Glasgow (10:43), and aggressively grumble about Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Crypt Hunters (23:05). Then, the gloves come fully off for an all out argie-bargie over a load of Kniz’ – Through the Desert and Blue Lagoon (31:20)! Tigris & Euphrates and Yellow and Yangtze (48:42)! They’re all here, and they’re all loudly shouting each other and I want to go home now please, Quinns did a swear.

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Tigris & Euphrates


Tigris & Euphrates is an award-winning tile placement game of rival dynasties designed by Reiner Knizia and set in ancient Mesopotamia at the time of the first cities. Two to four players take on the roles of rulers building civilizations, competing for land, and striving to strike a balance between commerce, agriculture, housing, and religion.

Advance your civilization, grow your dynasty, and accumulate victory points by strategically placing tiles, leaders, and even monuments on the board. As civilizations grow, wars may erupt over the region’s limited land and resources, or another ruler may incite rebellion among your people, forcing you to fight for your territory. The ruler who has the greatest amount of victory points in the weakest aspect of their civilization wins!

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Podcast #93: Alone with the Norwegians

The 93rd ever episode of the SU&SD podcast begins with Matt and Quinns discussing Klaus Wunderlich, before then talking about people talking about us talking about Blood on the Clocktower (02:05). With a bit of luck, this should clear up some misgivings surrounding our glowing review. There’s then chat about the hot new roll’n’write Corinth (10:08), the superlative expansion A Feast for Odin: The Norwegians (18:36), an additional superb expansion, Space Base: The Emergence of Shy Pluto (27:32), the oh-so-nearly-a-SU&SD-video-review Monolith Arena (32:42) and the fantastically inventive game Alone (43:52). Finally, the mailbag returns! We chat about which games offer the best emotional rollercoaster of feeling very clever, and then very dumb (01:05:27).

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Our Holiday Gift Guide, 2017!

Quinns: Christmas is almost upon us, everyone! That sweet stretch of the calendar where board games take center stage, or at the very least share the stage with potatoes and Jesus Christ.

Are you thinking about buying a new game to play with your relatives? Or are you wondering which game to buy for the stalwart board game collector in your life?

Either way, we’ve got you covered with the below holiday game guide. Enjoy, everyone!

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Podcast #62: Bruises in Bruges

OH MY GOODNESS our 62nd podcast ever is here! This episode is all about older games, so why not join Paul, Matt and Quinns as they creep across the board game scene like a pack of daring botanists through primeval jungle, jealously cataloguing and scrutinising all that they find. Paul’s been inspecting the darling buds of Bruges, a Stefan Feld classic that we’re expecting a reprint of any day now. After that, Matt and Quinns continue their analysis of the bloomin’ brilliant Tigris & Euphrates, chat about their time with the somewhat-toxic Zombicide: Black Plague and run through a field of Railways of the World. Returning home after this educational hike, the boys read an email about ghosts and answer another asking why we haven’t reviewed the excellent Game of Thrones: The Card Game (second edition). Finally, we discuss a folk game sent in anonymously by an ambulance crew. What could possibly go wrong?

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Review: Tigris & Euphrates

June 23, 2017 Reviews Tigris & Euphrates, Heavy Games, SU&SD Recommends Everybody, it’s the most wonderful time of the year! We of course refer to the Annual Summer Goodtime Tile-Based Reinerstravaganza, and this year the star of the show is the new Windrider edition of Reiner’s 1997 classic, Tigris & Euphrates. Don’t know who Reiner is? … Read more

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SU&SD Take on The Board Game Geek Top 100: 60-41

Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

Quinns: As we continue our marathon-like jog through Board Game Geek’s top 100 games ever, today I can reveal that we’re out of the weeds. We’ve played every single board game in the 60-41 slot!

Which isn’t to say that we always enjoyed ourselves…

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GAMES NEWS! 30/01/17

Quinns: Oh my god, Paul, it’s awful. Did you seen the news over the weekend?

Paul: I did. What’s the world coming to?

Quinns: I don’t know, but I know we can’t stand for it.

Paul: You think so? I had no idea you felt so strongly about Reiner Knizia’s Ingenious being renamed AXIO Hexagonal.

Quinns: …Paul, did you turn on the TV over the weekend?

Paul: No, I got the weirdest feeling that it would be rather like blasting a jet of pure sadness square at my own face.

Quinns: Right. Yes.

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Games News! 5 Star edition

big wood

Quinns: Some things are just better together! Chocolate and peanut butter. Head injuries and medical care. Tigris & Euphrates.

This week, board games’ dignified finishing school of Fantasy Flight announced a new version of the European classic. For the uninitiated, Tigris & Euphrates sees 2-4 players each in control of a civilization in ancientest Mesopotamia, and accurately depicts how these factions would conquer one another by covering the desert in big square tiles and sometimes an intimidatingly chunky pyramid.

I’ve actually played Tigris & Euphrates. The short version of that story is that, like a lot of Reiner Knizia games, it made me wish I was outside climbing a tree. The even shorter version is that it is pretty good, if you like that kind of thing (read: tiles, Mesopotamians).

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