Podcast #132 – Dreamin’ of a Game Night

In this mysterious 132nd episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Tom, Quinns and Ava clamber aboard a raft of games that’s gently sailing down a river made of…dreams… Do not get into the water, the dreams are also full of plague.

We’re going to be rambling about an absolute bunch of games that, when combined, would make up our perfect post-covid boardgame night. If you want to be surprised by each addition to our lists then click play! Or if there’s anything in particular you’d like to hear about, we’ve got all the games timestamped below.

Have a lovely weekend, everybody!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition


Twilight Imperium (Fourth Edition) is a game of galactic conquest in which three to six players take on the role of one of seventeen factions vying for galactic domination through military might, political maneuvering, and economic bargaining. Every faction offers a completely different play experience, from the wormhole-hopping Ghosts of Creuss to the Emirates of Hacan, masters of trade and economics. These seventeen races are offered many paths to victory, but only one may sit upon the throne of Mecatol Rex as the new masters of the galaxy.

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SU&SD Play… Twilight Imperium!

Hey, remember when we did a nine hour stream of Twilight Imperium with No Pun Included? After much grinding of CPUs and gnashing of bandwidth, we’ve just uploaded an HD recording to YouTube.

Above you’ll find part 1 (or should that be Act 1?), part 2 is right here, and part 3, the finale, can be found here.

Huge thanks to Chris and Anni for their herculean efforts behind the desk that day. If you’re at all into video games then be sure to check out their amazing video game documentary series, People Make Games.

Enjoy, everybody!

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It’s gonna be a wonky week

Quinns: Hey everybody! After doing a nine hour(!) stream of Twilight Imperium this weekend, Matt and I are going to spend this week resting up and finishing up our quest to find this year’s SU&SD interns.

Normal service (Monday news, Wednesday podcast, Friday review) will be resumed next week, although we’re still going to be posting little bits for you to watch. Some of our best panels from SHUX ’18 will be going up on our YouTube channel, and on Friday we’ll post our playthrough video of SEAL Team Flix.

Best of all, you can watch our epic game of Twilight Imperium right here as a video-on-demand, but if you do that, we’d actually like to ask a favour…

In a couple of months we’re going to upload this gargantuan 9 hour video to YouTube, but we want to start preserving some of the best comments from Twitch chat as text pop-ups within the YouTube video. So, pretty please, if you watch any of the video on Twitch and something in Twitch chat makes you laugh, could you leave a comment on this post with the line of chat, the username and the timestamp where it appears? You should be able to copy-paste everything you see, so it should be pretty easy.

Thanks so much everybody, and have a great week!

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Podcast #73: The 2017 Pearple’s Choice Awards!

Who’s this, arriving fashionably late in a limousine? Why, it’s only a new podcast discussing the winners of the 2017 Pearple’s Choice Awards! Quickly, cinch up your black tie or crawl into the nearest dress before joining us on a discussion of the best games of last year. There’s reflection on Gloomhaven, Sagrada, Inis, Captain Sonar, Fog of Love, Azul, Consulting Detective, Twilight Imperium 4th edition and so, so much more. You also get to hear the team collapse in on themselves like a dying star when exposed to the madness of the Best Expansion category. Just what is an expansion for?! Huge thanks to forum user clg9000 for organising such a fun event. New podcast feeds (if you’re missing episodes 71, 72 and 73 try these): iTunes Google Play RSS for your favourite player

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Our Holiday Gift Guide, 2017!

Quinns: Christmas is almost upon us, everyone! That sweet stretch of the calendar where board games take center stage, or at the very least share the stage with potatoes and Jesus Christ.

Are you thinking about buying a new game to play with your relatives? Or are you wondering which game to buy for the stalwart board game collector in your life?

Either way, we’ve got you covered with the below holiday game guide. Enjoy, everyone!

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Review: Twilight Imperium, Fourth Edition

At last. A full six years after we rugby-tackled one of the most glorious and gargantuan board games ever made, we once again take on Twilight Imperium. Sleeker and shinier than ever, just how does the refined fourth edition compare with its previous incarnation? Look no further, for we offer you the definitive review of this epic space opera.

And yes, we really do mean definitive. After Matt and Paul prodded the game so much at Fantasy Flight’s headquarters for Matt’s in-depth documentary, Quinns took on the brave (some would say Herculean) task of looking at this new edition both as a standalone game, but also alongside its predecessor, which is now widely discounted. Which one deserves your money?

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Space Lions: The Story of Twilight Imperium

We’ve come a long way, baby!

Six years ago SU&SD published a review of the grand, weird game of Twilight Imperium 3rd edition. Today, we present a first for the board game industry. Please enjoy our amateur attempt at a documentary on the history of the game – which is really the history of Fantasy Flight Games – and the development of the new, shiny, 4th edition. Huge thanks to our donors, without whom this project (which we started work on back in 2015!) would never, ever have been possible.

As you buckle your seatbelt for this ride through time and outer space, please bear in mind that the doc doesn’t cover the nitty-gritty of game mechanics that have changed from 3rd to 4th edition. We’ll be covering that in our forthcoming review of Twilight Imperium 4th ed, which Quinns will be creating since he had almost no involvement in the doc.

Instead, we tried to make the documentary of broader interest, so please consider sharing it with board game-curious friends. Or just tell your mum it’s Netflix? That might work.

Enjoy, everybody!

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Games News! BUMPER EDITION 21/08/2017

Paul: It’s all hands to the pumps here at Shut Up & Sit Down this week. The News Dam has burst under the weight of stories gushing out of the fiftieth GenCon, along with everything else independent of that massive show that has continued trickling forth. Dual wielding mops all week, we’ve been doing the best that we can to soak up all the information. Some stories are HUGE, others are CRUEL TEASES. It’s all too much.

Put on your lifejackets as we dive right into this BUMPER EDITION and start at the deep end with the BRAND NEW STAR WARS MINIATURES GAME.

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