The SU&SD 2020 Holiday Gift Guide

Welcome one, welcome all! It is officially the most December-est time of the year, and that might mean you’re on the lookout for the perfect gift for the board gamer in your life? The board gamer in OUR life wants “an egg timer”, so there’s really no knowing if you’re barking up the right tree – but the whole SU&SD team is on-hand this week to give you great suggestions for great games that are currently in stock! Enjoy!

0:54 My City
1:51 Tournament at Camelot / Tournament at Avalon
2:35 Gùgōng
3:10 Undaunted: Normandy / Undaunted: North Africa
4:06 Pandemic Legacy Season 0 / Pandemic Legacy
4:28 Quacks of Quedlinberg
4:54 Oceans
5:19 Monikers: Serious Nonsense
6:03 Patchwork
6:22 The Mind
6:41 No Thanks!
7:00 The Crew
7:35 Ghost Blitz
8:24 New York Zoo
8:54 Modern Art
9:27 Solo RPGs: 9:41 Artefact, 9:58 The Sealed Library & The Wretch3d, 10:18 Thousand Year Old Vampire
10:38 Senet Magazine

A few more worth a look!
Little Town
Junk Art
Paris: La Cité de la Lumière
A Fake Artist Goes to New York

Undaunted: North Africa

The Undaunted series continues with this two-player deck-building game of tactical combat, pitting the raiders of Britain’s Long Range Desert Group against Italian forces in the North African Theater of World War II. The North African campaign has begun. Take control of the British Army’s Long Range Desert Group and operate behind enemy lines or … Read more

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Podcast #116: …Reset to Hokey Pokey

Three sentient puddles have gathered to sit in rooms made of hot to talk about board games made of card. That’s right, it’s become quite warm all of a sudden and the company has been liquidated to cope, but not in that way, in the other way. Look at what you made us do. In … Read more

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GAMES NEWS! 03/08/2020

Ava: It’s getting news in here, so take off all your news. I am, getting so news, I’m gonna take my news off.

Tom: Whoa, nelly! Cool your news boots. That’s just a bit too news.

Ava: I know Tom, I know. But GenCon Online has given us so much news, that I think we are literally going to take our news off, saving some for next week. As is semi traditional, this week focuses mostly on the big players (who get their details online the quickest), as it takes a week or so for the more interesting oddities to start shining through. And oh my word, the biggest game is getting bigger. I nearly put my hype-drive into ludicrous mode for this one.

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Podcast #115: Score the Boogie Bonus

Picture it now; you’re sitting in a lovely english garden in the midst of summertime. You’ve got a delicious cup of iced Bovril in your hand, and the sun is warming the grass under your feet. Life is bliss. Suddenly, a tall sweaty man and a short sweaty boy leap the fence – cracking open warm cans in mid-air – fistfuls of board game bits clutched in their four greasy hands. It’s time to podcast, baby. In this undeniably very 115th episode of the Shut Up and Sit Down podcast, Tom and Quinns resume the age-old tradition of shirtless podcasting – kicking off with a chat about The Deadlies, before pinging over to Super Skill Pinball: 4Cade. Then, Quinns gets wistful about his foray into Fields of Arle, and we end on a highly controversial chat about Undaunted: North Africa. Strap in. Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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GAMES NEWS! 25/11/19


Quinns: You’re writing the news from a train? I–


Quinns: I’m so glad you’re–


Quinns: Ok, I’m now looking forward to the wi-fi dropping you in about eight seconds.


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