Matt: January has almost been slain, just a few more jabs to those weak ‘n’ flabby points and we can level up to FEB-WOO-RARY. If you too have failed to achieve all the things you’d hoped to this month, then never fear – you’re in good company. What’s going on with this website though, this week?
Podcast #169 – Welcome To… Coevorden?
In this picturesque episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast Matt, Ava, and Tom are absolutely chomping at the bit to tell you all about three games that are all PRETTY GOOD! We’ve got the scintillating urban planning of Townbuilder: Coevorden – the scintillatingy-er LUNAR planning of Welcome To The Moon and… what was the last game? I don’t know if I can quite… remember…
Have a lovely weekend, folks!
Tap below for full timestamps and more info!
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