Podcast #255 – Dragons & Demolitions

On this rambling, tangient-rich episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Pip chat Wings and Wyrms in a creature feature on Wyrmspan! Then, we take a break from the hotness to discuss an old classic that Tom was bored to tears by; Roborally.

Have a great weekend! 

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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GAMES NEWS! 21/09/20

Ava: Tom, Tom, wake up, I’m really sad about disco again.

Tom: Whabuhhuh?

Ava: Turns out the first line of that song is ‘do you remember the twenty first night of september’, but we already used that joke already earlier this month even though we were due to do the games news on the actual 21st of September. We wasted the joke! It wasn’t the right time!

Tom: At least you aren’t calling me Ronald, like last week.

Ava: Go back to bed Ronald. It’s time for a games news disco.

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GAMES NEWS! 24/08/20

Ava: Welcome to Board Game Celebrity Squares! The quiz where all the biggest names in board games have games coming out soon, and they’ll probably mostly be coming out in boxes that are square shaped. Hence the squares.

Tom: Ava, I don’t think that sounds much like a game show.

Ava: What’s a game show?

Ava: There’s a fair bit of buzz around Alexander Pfister’s next big box game, as the designer of Great Western Trail, Oh My Goods and Maracaibo reaches for the future, and the skies.

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SU&SD Play… Wingspan with designer Elizabeth Hargrave!

We played some Wingspan! So that we could impress designer Elizabeth Hargrave with all of our cool bird knowledge, Tom and Matt spent WEEKS in a bird blind; method-acting as birds. Things got ‘not-very-social-distancey’ awful quickly, what with all the regurgitative feeding.

Sorry, that was disgusting. Matt shouldn’t have trusted me to write actual copy for the website – especially when it’s relatively low-stakes content and I’ve had several strong coffees – each one propelling my tiny bird self through the day’s workload like a bird that has had several strong coffees. Enjoy!

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Podcast #112 – Spooked in Sea, Spooked in Space

On this week’s episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Matt, Tom & Ava sit around in a board game soup, rambling about a series of games that we’ve been playing in the darkest reaches of lockdown – and even go so far as to talk about some digital card games! The horror.

Join us for a bumbling episode where we talk about everything from the raucous Forgotten Waters to the pensive and tense The Crew, as well as a quick chat about Gloomhaven and its upcoming mini-adventure Jaws of The Lion. We’ll also be talking about all the recent games we’ve been streaming – such as the delectable 1s and 0s of Slay The Spire, and the existential dread of Mothership. Last, but not least, we’ll be giving some positively DANGEROUS thoughts about Wingspan, a game that everyone can agree is QUITE NICE.

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Review – Wingspan

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a bird. In fact, it’s all of the birds.

At long last, after a preposterous 7 print runs in 14 months, Shut Up & Sit Down has published a review of Wingspan. It’s the biggest success story that the tabletop scene has seen in a long time. But is it a success story on our tables? Or in our hearts?

Click play, and find out.

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Wingspan is a competitive, medium-weight, card-driven, engine-building board game from Stonemaier Games. You are bird enthusiasts—researchers, bird watchers, ornithologists, and collectors—seeking to discover and attract the best birds to your network of wildlife preserves. Each bird extends a chain of powerful combinations in one of your habitats (actions). These habitats focus on several key aspects … Read more

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GAMES NEWS! 07/10/19

Ava: Don’t dilly dally, SHUX may be over, but the news waits for nobody.

While the team are hopping on planes, I’m hopping on the news-train, and running straight to the dining car, hoping to pull up a cloche on some tasty news-morsels and snap up some crunchy news-nuggets. I’m not sure where we’re going, but I know that I’m hungry, and a big fan of locomotion.

Choo-choo-choo news-lovers!

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GAMES NEWS! 22/07/19

Ava: Quinns, Quinns, there’s a news emergency! The news pumps are overflowing.

Quinns: Don’t worry, Ava! That’s what they’re supposed to do.

Ava: But no, Quinns, you don’t understand, my cynicism valve has got wedged to ‘can only be excited about cats, Queen and civil disobedience’.

Quinns: Oh dear.

Ava: I’m even a bit surly about the moon!

Quinns: Well, that’s no good. Let me see what you’ve written, then you can report to Decontamination Chamber B for De-Grumping.

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Podcast #91: The 2018 Pearple’s Choice Awards!

It’s a podcast! You know the drill, everybody. Recover your audio tubing from the protective sheaths and retreat to your listening hutch. In this episode Matt and Quinns share their experiences with Wingspan (you’ll find the NPI review here), Chronicles of Crime (our SHUX Preview here), Franchise and Woodlouse Chaos, before strapping on their tuxedos for the annual Pearple’s Choice Awards, which we last celebrated back on podcast #73. Who will win Best Game? Best Production? Best Designer? And will SU&SD’s audience finally decide that mum and dad… are bad and wrong? Enjoy the show, everybody, and thanks again to clg6000 for putting these awards together.

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