Review: Dracula vs Van Helsing

In the red corner; DRACULA! The baron of blood, the bringer of plague, the rotting cadaver that all the ladies and gents and those betwixt line up to love!

And in the blue corner; Van Helsing! He’s here too! He’s got a crossbow I think? Stakes, maybe? He wants to hurt Dracula, and he’s around to… do his job…

! ! ! WHO WILL WIN in Dracula vs Van Helsing?! FIND OUT IN THIS VERY EPISODE OF SHUT UP & SIT DOWN ! ! !

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Review: Fromage

love cheese. Right now you can get this ‘Saint Agur’ blue cheese spread and it’s wildly expensive for how much you get, but it’s absolute heaven. You should go out and get some RIGHT NOW!But should you go out and get the game in today’s review, FromageMaybe! It all depends on how cheesy you need your cheese eurogame to be!

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Review: Triqueta

This week we’ve got Matt dragging you through the lovely warm chunky delight that is Triqueta and Triqueta: Hidden Wolves – a quick and simple game with a slightly mean core. Stick around until the end for this one, there’s a SMALL chance we might have gotten carried away with some impromptu nonsense.

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Review: Black Forest

This week we’ve got a chunky two-header for a chunky, verdant game. Black Forest features so many flecks of Uwe Rosenberg flair – but perhaps doesn’t do enough of its own to earn itself a space in your board game collection? Matt’s all loved-up, Tom is being pragmatic: WHO WILL WIN?

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Review: Salton Sea

Hey kids!! What’s cooler than distilling brine and harnessing geothermal energy… FOR POINTS! This week’s review is a slightly complicated love letter to the beautiful mundanity of crunchy economic games. Devir have put a huge amount of game into such a small box with Salton Sea, but can it stand up to the microscope of scrutiny?

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Review: Power Vacuum

Welcome to 2025! We’re starting off the year with something special – a video piloted entirely by our newest hire!

It’s a toaster. A toaster does the review. Thank you for watching.

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Review: Joyride: Survival of the Fastest

We’ve covered a lot of cars on Shut Up & Sit Down – but two stick out in recent memory. Tom reviewed Heat: Pedal to the Metal back in 2022 and Matt took a peek at Thunder Road: Vendetta earlier this year and both lads came away thrilled with their silly little vehicles.

But now, it’s 2024. Joyride is here.

And it’s ready to race.Is this the best of both worlds? Does it screech round the corners of hearts and turbo-boost to the loftiest honours of the kallax? Find out right here.

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Review: The Gang

A special and juicy treat for you this week – it’s MATTHEW LEES IN A ROOM THAT’S SLIGHTLY PINK. Also: a review of The Gang, a co-operative poker game that’s simultaneously essential AND something you really might not need? Get watchin’!

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Review: SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence was a game that really wowed both Matt and Tom back when they covered it in Episode 261 of the podcast – but since then, we’ve played it a good chunk more and developed a couple extra thoughts! So many thoughts that we put them into a whole video that you can watch on You Tube Dot Com.

In this week’s video review, Tom is taking another look at the big eurogame of finding aliens. Is it as good as the hype suggests? Find out right here…

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