Review – MicroMacro: Crime City

Knock knock, who is there, it is crime – and it has come to take all of your things away from you and use them to buy other, different things. So it goes.

In this week’s video review, Tom takes a look at the ‘very large detective’ simulator MicroMacro: Crime City. Is it good? Is it bad? Is it somewhere in-between?! Hopefully this video review will do the detective work for you! Expect ‘at least one joke’, some seriously dry b-roll, and one rare instance of good timekeeping.

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Review – Summoner Wars 2nd Edition

When was the last time you had a good summon? It’s been too long, hasn’t it?

In that case, may we recommend the brand-spanking new edition of Summoner Wars, which is also now playable online? It’s got goblins. It’s got magic spells. It’s got plenty of charming fantasy art. And most importantly, it has a swanky, simple little ruleset that’s easy to learn and hard to master.

In fact, we like this game so much we’ve now reviewed it twice. I’m not going to go back and watch our original 2011 review because I would die instantly, but if you want to do so then that is a choice that you can make.

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Review: The Red Cathedral

This week you’ll find an unusually restrained version of Matt Lees reviewing another small-box stonker from publisher Devir. We enjoyed Silk quite a bit a few years ago, but this crunchy little number, The Red Cathedral, is the real, real deal.

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Review – Beyond The Sun

May 12, 2021 Reviews Beyond the Sun In this week’s video review, Tom is blasting off into SPACE to find the spreadsheet of his dreams in a game packed to the gills with iconography. Is one large icon better than two, smaller icons? Find out right here! As dry as Beyond The Sun most certainly … Read more

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Review – Stardew Valley: The Board Game

After the year we’ve had, who among us isn’t dreaming of moving to the country? Well, now you can give the rural life a test-drive with Stardew Valley: The Board Game, a board game adapation of the wildly successful videogame.

It’s fair to say that SU&SD hasn’t had the easiest time recommending video game adapations, but hey! There’s a first time for everything, right?


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Review: Cubitos

Cubes! Everyone’s favourite three dimensional solid. Tom incorrectly refers to the components in this game as ‘dice’ over and over again, when in reality the game makes it explicitly clear that these are in fact Cubitos; borne of the mother cube, emissaries to the world of… other… shapes…

Listen, Cubitos is a game so full of wackiness that it becomes hard to write jokes about, which is why I outsourced all the humour in this video to a tub of green face paint. Watch at your peril, the J-cuts are all wrong and the green still hasn’t quite come out of my beard!

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Review: Paleo


What do all of these things have in common? That’s right! You can die inside them.

Today Quinns is looking at new co-operative game Paleo, and do you know what? This is one of the better co-op games to land on our desk in recent years. It’s also – you’ll never guess – kind of problematic.

Apologies in advance if this video means you can never enjoy Bonk’s Adventure the same way again.

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Review: Kitchen Rush

In this week’s review, Tom takes a look at Kitchen Rush – a decision that was entirely made by his family. ‘You’ve got to review it, we like it!’ they said. They were… Right, I suppose? I did have fun making the video. And speaking of fun…

That’s right folks,  in this video you can say hello to the newest month in the Shut Up & Sit Down calendar – fun month! From now on, that’s what March is. We got approval from the man behind the counter at WHSmith, who said he’d get it sorted with the bigwigs as soon as possible. He charged us very reasonably, considering the hassle. 

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Review: City of the Big Shoulders

This week on the website Matt discovers that you *can’t* just stuff things inside of a jacket in order to recreate David Byrne’s signature look. We also made two new friends, one of whom is most definitely not alive – the other one? We’ll leave you to decide. Find out why City of the Big Shoulders, this caramel rainbow of brown and beige pieces, has captured a tiny piece of our heart..

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Review – Hansa Teutonica: Big Box

What’s historical, great fun, set in medieval Germany and has two thumbs? THIS GUY! Wait, that can’t be right

Look, the point is we’ve done a review of a marvellous new edition of perhaps the greatest eurogame ever made. The new Hansa Teutonica Big Box isn’t actually any bigger than the old edition, but it’s not any more expensive, either, which is a truly fantastic thing. We implore you to take a look.

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