Review: SCOUT

What’s up YouTube – Thomas Boardgames has made another video! It’s about SCOUT – a card game! (with tokens!). Excuse the extremely hungover energy in this one; I was, in fact, hungover.


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Review: Khôra: Rise of an Empire

This week on Shut Up & Sit Down, Matt is providing everyone with a public service – reviewing maybe the driest game we have received this year. An absolutely delirious mix of currency, tracks, and ‘playing cards’, Khora: Rise of an Empire seems a typical eurogame on the surface, but what lies… underneath?! Enjoy!

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Review: Living Forest

Ava: What’s that hiding in the undergrowth? Why it’s another Ava review! She’s been working on this so long that Living Forest has gone from under-rated gem to Kennerspiel Des Jahres, and I’m so miffed I didn’t beat the German jury to the punch. This lovely deckbuilding push your luck ecosystem has magic, woods, cute art and an appealing pricetag. Do you want to get lost in the woods with me? Don’t answer that, just watch the video.

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Review: Spirit Island

It’s taken us SO LONG to make a Spirit Island video that it’s only appropriate that somebody is PUNISHED. It’s true that back in the day we covered it a bit, but it’s fair to say that this co-op classic had yet to get the love from us that it deserved. But is all well on our precious little island, or do we detect the vile tendrils of HATRED? Does someone HATE this game?? Oh my!

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Review: Rush Out!

This week’s video has Tom evolving into his final form: BAD WIZARD. It also features a sentient vegetable, and murders with a hammer – so there’s a chance that broadly speaking, things “started to get away from us” a little. This All-vs-1 game of Real-Time Rollin’ game Rush Out! is a treat that surprised us, and it might surprise you!

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Review: burncycle

This week, Tom takes on the chips in a review of burncycle – the big-box heist-em-up from Chip Theory games! Robots, Corporations, and Stealth; ‘Oh My!’. This is a big one; with more components than a thousand-piece jigsaw (false) and more neoprene than most board games (true)!

But is it… any good? Find out in this video! Right here!

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Why You Should Get Into Netrunner in 2022

It’s a big one! In this lengthy videofilm, Tom takes a look at the work of Project NISEI and their version of Android: Netrunner! Is it good? Is it GREAT? Does it stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the original? Find out the answers to some of these questions for the low low cost of just 32 minutes of your life.

This one was a bit of beast, took me forever, and I don’t know what to do with myself now. Enjoy!

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