Review: Mind MGMT

Who fancies a bit of spy-vs-spy in 1980s Zanzibar?

Oh, there’s just one catch: Everybody is psychic. And four characters are immortal. And one of the teams has a dolphin. And the game has 14 expansions.

This is Mind MGMT, and it’s an absolutely terrific board game.

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Review: Equinox

This week Matt’s here to spill the beans on a Reiner Knizia bidding game, Equinox, filled with mystical creatures and oversized cards. But does this gorgeous purple box manage to cut the mustard?

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Review: Calico, Cascadia and Verdant

This video is surely proof of SU&SD’s dedication to board game review technology. In the above video we’ve managed to compress no less than three reviewers and three reviews of Flatout Games’ Calico, Cascadia and Verdant.

But that’s not all! You’ve heard her on the pod, you’ve partaken of her written words, but this video represents the team’s own Ava Foxfort’s very first video review. Everybody, please join me in wishing her a the warmest of SU&SD welcomes.

Ava, if you’re reading this? You’re a gem. A gem we’ve socketed into our crown, and you know what? We don’t feel the slightest bit guilty about it.

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Review: Furnace

One of the hottest games of the year, Matt digs his teeth into Furnace. Just how much game have they packed into this box? Click Play, and find out!

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Review – Kabuto Sumo

This week’s review was assembled so rapidly that I thought I’d burned my fingers from yanking out that hot hot SD card straight from the camera mere seconds after stopping the record. Mmmm… the smell of burned data. Speaking of hot things – Kabuto Sumo is piquing everyone’s interest now as a real corker of a dexterity game. Is it good? Is it great? Find out here in this Shut Up & Sit Down Video Review™.

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Review – Burgle Bros 2: The Casino Capers

In my head, I can’t help but call this game ‘Burger Bros’, and then have a little fantasy about a co-operative boardgame where you play as two incredibly buff burger chefs as they blaze across a post-apocalyptic world, making absolutely ripping burgers for the survivors. I don’t know how it’d work, I just have the box art crystal-clear in my head.

Anyway, here’s a review of Burgle Bros 2 – a game that actually exists and is fantastic. Enjoy!

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Review – Descent: Legends of the Dark

Descent is BACK, BABY! The game that inspired Shut Up & Sit Down’s second ever episode has returned in an eye-popping new edition with a wallet-clutching pricetag.

In the new Descent: Legends of the Dark, gone is the opportunity to play a callous and maleficent (and frequently out-gunned) dungeon master. This time around, every player at the table will control a hero, and you’ll all be steered through the campaign using an app.

It’s a bracing innovation, but what will Quinns make of it? Click play, and find out.

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Review: The Adventures of Robin Hood

The choice of a green morphsuit was a mistake, I know. I’ve thought about this many times during the editing process, and ‘tight green’ is certainly not the look for me. The game however? It’s… probably not for me either. But that’s okay! Let me explain…

Today on the site, feast your eyes on a video review of The Adventures of Robin Hood – another review that you have my family to thank for – who swarmed around this box like wasps to a jar. This isn’t a game that’ll receive the oldest-young-brewster seal of approval, but it does get it from every other size of Brewster you can think of. Enjoy!

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