Review: Cubitos

Cubes! Everyone’s favourite three dimensional solid. Tom incorrectly refers to the components in this game as ‘dice’ over and over again, when in reality the game makes it explicitly clear that these are in fact Cubitos; borne of the mother cube, emissaries to the world of… other… shapes…

Listen, Cubitos is a game so full of wackiness that it becomes hard to write jokes about, which is why I outsourced all the humour in this video to a tub of green face paint. Watch at your peril, the J-cuts are all wrong and the green still hasn’t quite come out of my beard!

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Review: Paleo


What do all of these things have in common? That’s right! You can die inside them.

Today Quinns is looking at new co-operative game Paleo, and do you know what? This is one of the better co-op games to land on our desk in recent years. It’s also – you’ll never guess – kind of problematic.

Apologies in advance if this video means you can never enjoy Bonk’s Adventure the same way again.

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Review: Kitchen Rush

In this week’s review, Tom takes a look at Kitchen Rush – a decision that was entirely made by his family. ‘You’ve got to review it, we like it!’ they said. They were… Right, I suppose? I did have fun making the video. And speaking of fun…

That’s right folks,  in this video you can say hello to the newest month in the Shut Up & Sit Down calendar – fun month! From now on, that’s what March is. We got approval from the man behind the counter at WHSmith, who said he’d get it sorted with the bigwigs as soon as possible. He charged us very reasonably, considering the hassle. 

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Review: City of the Big Shoulders

This week on the website Matt discovers that you *can’t* just stuff things inside of a jacket in order to recreate David Byrne’s signature look. We also made two new friends, one of whom is most definitely not alive – the other one? We’ll leave you to decide. Find out why City of the Big Shoulders, this caramel rainbow of brown and beige pieces, has captured a tiny piece of our heart..

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Review – Hansa Teutonica: Big Box

What’s historical, great fun, set in medieval Germany and has two thumbs? THIS GUY! Wait, that can’t be right

Look, the point is we’ve done a review of a marvellous new edition of perhaps the greatest eurogame ever made. The new Hansa Teutonica Big Box isn’t actually any bigger than the old edition, but it’s not any more expensive, either, which is a truly fantastic thing. We implore you to take a look.

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Review: Modern Art

For this hot HOT review, Tom went back in time to 1992 and stole the design documents for a game that he’s sure will one day be a classic. Who did he steal them from? What was the game? One can only dream.

In the second of a double-Reiner-february-feature; a review of Modern Art, just for you. It’s an absolute classic in the auction game genre, and maybe one of Tom’s favourite games of all time? Watch him squirm as he grapples with the burden of encompassing that which cannot be encompassed.

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Review: My City

Drop everything (unless you’re holding a baby)!

My City doesn’t look like much. It also doesn’t sound< like much. But what we've got here is master board game designer Reiner Knizia's take on the genre of legacy games. Remember how The Quest for El Dorado saw Reiner Knizia quietly mastering the genre of deckbuilding games? Well, without wanting to spoil this review entirely, he’s basically done it again. What an absolute legend.

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Review: Oceans

Splish splosh, splish splish splosh. It’s time to get SALTY! This week’s review sees Matt diving into Oceans – sadly not in real life as he lives in central London. Wrong time of year, too – frankly. Enjoy!

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Review: 10* Button Shy* Games in 10* Minutes!

Initially the pitch for this video was 10 reviews overlapping one-another all at the same time, providing a sort of ‘dreamscape’ where the viewer doesn’t know exactly what they just watched; but instead have a strong sense-memory of really enjoying about half the games.

Instead, this. It’s probably more confusing, and it put me (Tom) into a slight frenzy. I’m now going to have a very long lie-down. Good luck!

Should you desire it, Button Shy’s games can be purchased through their website! Don’t pay them after dark though, or else something something gremlins reference.

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Review: Rococo Deluxe

Goodness gracious, we’re starting our 2021 video reviews with a… well, not a bang, exactly. A bang would be gauche.

Rococo Deluxe is a swanky new edition of hit 2013 board game Rococo that also plays host to the old game’s Jewellery Box expansion and all sorts of little extras.  Seven years later, will we still find Rococo to be elegant and classy? Or will it have become dusty and old-fashioned?

Click play, and find out.

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