Review: Curious Cargo

As the year draws to a close, we’ve saved something small but rather special until last: Curious Cargo, a dedicated head-to-head game by the designer of Pipeline. How fiendish and deep can you possibly go when faced with a box this cute and tiny? Tune in to find out.

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The Holiday 2020 Donation Drive is Now Live!

It’s that time of year again, folks! This year has obviously been a shocker for so many, but we’re continually thankful and incredibly privileged to be given the support to do what we do. Here’s a bit of silly fluff with a sprinkling of details about what we’ve got planned for 2021. If you can comfortably afford to support our team we really, really appreciate it!

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Review: Etherfields

With 2020 finally, improbably, coming to an end, we’re onto our final two video reviews of the year. And the first is a BIG ONE.

Following a terrifically successful Kickstarter campaign, Etherfields has been delivered to backers the world over. This massive box offers 1-4 players a surreal quest in a world of dreams, letting people go and beat up Mr. Sandman once and for all.

But does this box succeed? Or is it a bit of a nightmare? Click play, and find out.

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The SU&SD 2020 Holiday Gift Guide

Welcome one, welcome all! It is officially the most December-est time of the year, and that might mean you’re on the lookout for the perfect gift for the board gamer in your life? The board gamer in OUR life wants “an egg timer”, so there’s really no knowing if you’re barking up the right tree – but the whole SU&SD team is on-hand this week to give you great suggestions for great games that are currently in stock! Enjoy!

0:54 My City
1:51 Tournament at Camelot / Tournament at Avalon
2:35 Gùgōng
3:10 Undaunted: Normandy / Undaunted: North Africa
4:06 Pandemic Legacy Season 0 / Pandemic Legacy
4:28 Quacks of Quedlinberg
4:54 Oceans
5:19 Monikers: Serious Nonsense
6:03 Patchwork
6:22 The Mind
6:41 No Thanks!
7:00 The Crew
7:35 Ghost Blitz
8:24 New York Zoo
8:54 Modern Art
9:27 Solo RPGs: 9:41 Artefact, 9:58 The Sealed Library & The Wretch3d, 10:18 Thousand Year Old Vampire
10:38 Senet Magazine

A few more worth a look!
Little Town
Junk Art
Paris: La Cité de la Lumière
A Fake Artist Goes to New York

Review: Inhuman Conditions

December 2, 2020 Reviews Inhuman Conditions As we approach the festive season, what better says ‘the festive season approaches’ more than a game about accusing those near and dear to you of being cold heartless androids. Inhuman Conditions! It’s a unique oblong box that we’ve unleashed our keenest reporter on – to dissect its mechanical … Read more

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Review: Under Falling Skies

November 25, 2020 Reviews Under Falling Skies And now we’re back! In outer space! This game with aliens might put a smile upon your face. Delving into the dusty mines of Serious Alone-Time, Matt reviews Under Falling Skies – the Print’n’Play Star turned fully-boxed product. Is it worth selling your Deskjet 3720 for the purposes … Read more

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Review: Renature

Crikey! It’s a review! At this hour? On a WEDNESDAY?

For this scintillating mixture of performance art and review, Tom got lost in the woods for an entire week reviewing Renature – only bringing a camera and some boardgame pieces into the ordeal. On the 7th day, he emerges from amidst the leaves, and bestows upon us his completed work. Oh no.

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Review: The Search for Planet X & Stellar

SPACE. Where did it come from? What’s it doing? And why is it so MUCH?

We have no idea, but board game publisher Renegade Game Studios is here to help, offering two great games that will teach us all about outer space- The Search for Planet X and a cute card game called Stellar.

On the one hand, we’re not sure what space did to deserve such generous treatment. On the other hand, space seems awfully dangerous, so perhaps it’s wise for people to stay on it’s good side.

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AwSHUX?! It’s Sunday’s Schedule!

It’s the final day of AwSHUX, the world’s finest digital boardgame convention! Here’s Tom to give you an update on all the fun stuff that’s happening today! Take a look at the ‘read more’ section if you want a quick rundown of how to get in on this lovely little section of the internet…

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