AwShux!? It’s Saturday’s Schedule!

Oh my, there’s a whole second day of AwSHUX, the world’s finest digital boardgame convention? And it’s happening today?! Where can I sign up?! Let me walk you through what’s occurin’…

Well, first off, you can mosey on down by going to – and while you’re at it, why not grab yourself a collection of pals new and old to hit the tables with? We’ve set up a delicious discord server that’ll help you find a group – whether you want to demo something new or have a go at something old.

What if you wanted… To BUY those games? Don’t you worry none, my sweet summer child – we’ve got a whole store set up for all kinds of excellent adventures of the cardboard variety! And what about some duds to cover yourself in whilst you play those games? We’ve got you covered there, too, with a most excellent garment factory.

Lastly, but by no means leastly, we’ve also got a bunch of giveaways over the weekend that you can sign up for here!

Hope you’re all having a lovely weekend!

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Our 5(6?) Favourite New Roll’n’Write Games

Don’t call it a comeback! Hot on the heels of our 5 Favourite New Card Games video, today we’re covering 5 (nearly new) roll’n’write games that could (loosely) be described as our favourites (kind of).

In order of appearance, this video stars the excellent Copenhagen: Roll’n’Write, Super Skill Pinball 4Cade, Rome & Roll, Cartographers, Kingdomino Duel and Metro X, as well as a cheeky little cameo from Qwinto (not to be confused with Quintin).

The video is also MASSIVE. A real five course meal of probability management. Loosen your belts, everybody!

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The Best Ways to Make Chess Fun

Like backaches and questionable political opinions, Chess sets seem to be one of those things that people just acquire as they get older. But is it possible to have fun with them?

We put our top board game scientists on the case, and they said “Yes. Yes. We think so.” In this video we’d like to present the games of Peasants’ Revolt, Horde Chess, Monster Chess, Atomic Chess, Alice Chess, Demi Chess, Bughouse ChessSynchronistic Chess and much, much more.

Were there any particularly spicy, simple Chess variants that we missed? Please leave us a comment. And enjoy the video, everybody.

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Review: War Chest

War! HUH!? What is it good for!? According to David Thompson and Trevor Benjamin, it’s good for business. They literally said that. I promise.

Live from a bedroom, Tom tackles this square brown box of War Chest in just under 10 square brown minutes, with each one more salient than the last. Marvel at the hastily-strung-together introduction! Guffaw at the complete lack of pacing! Be thrilled by the knowledge that yes, he did have to clean up that dirt/those poker chips/this whole edit with only a handful of hours to spare! He even makes time to (not) review the Nobility expansion!

For SU&SD website denizens, there’s also a secret treasure. Check out this fantastic online implementation from web character SpruceGoose. I had a tonne of fun testing the game on this site, as well as having a fab little 4 player game with him and his lovely friends (thanks guys!). Check that out here:

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Review – Anomia

Following last week’s review of Decrypto, this week we’re revisiting another brilliant game that had previously been wasting away in the dungeons of Shut Up & Sit Down in a written review.

Anomia might not be the funniest game we’ve ever covered if you were to judge it in terms of decibels, but it is the game we’ve reviewed that gets the most people laughing the hardest the fastest.

Does that sentence make sense? We’re not sure. We just know that this game is ace.

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Review – Decrypto

They say the past is a foreign country, but this week we’ve popped on the ferry regardless, going back to revisit a game we’ve already reviewed and recommended – on the sole basis that Matt didn’t feel like we’d recommended it strongly enough? Find out why we’ve come to feel that Decrypto is a modern classic – with a special report on the Laser Drive expansion from Tom, who isn’t actually here.

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Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 Review – A Phenomenal Finale

Oh my goodness! It’s time for our review of what Quinns is calling “The best game in perhaps the most entertaining series in board games.” It’s Pandemic Legacy: Season 0.

You might also be interested in our reviews of Season 1 and Season 2, as well as our review of base Pandemic. That is, of course, unless you’ve had enough of pandemics. But why could that possibly be the case?

Have a great weekend, everybody.

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SU&SD Play Mothership Episode 2: 11 Secret Herbs and Space

My oh my oh my. We made it episode 2 of Mothership, and it’s only just over one month late! Apologies for the delay on getting this one to YouTube, Tom got a little too into character as ol’ juiceboy – chugging endless amounts of “medicine” instead of doing his job.

In this episode, the gang explore the ship they’ve found themselves on, teeth themselves on green orbs and faff around a lot before reaching a dramatic conclusion. You can find part one here. Enjoy!

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SU&SD Play Galaxy Trucker, Digital Edition!

Matt and Tom literally did this whole stream in a zero oxygen, zero gravity environment and NOBODY is talking about it. We didn’t want to mention it on stream for fear of looking a bit glib, but felt like you all should probably know about what is likely a world record. Where’s our big pint of Mr Guiness’ Brown Drink.

Galaxy Trucker! A powerful game of slowly eroding spaceships. Grab yourself a space beverage, a space seat, and prepare your space eyes for SPAENTERTAINMENTCE. This one was an awful lot of fun.

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