Announcing our Summer Donation Drive!

Quinns: Hello, everybody. It’s that time again!

Twice a year, our team here at Shut Up & Sit Down requests donations for all of the heartfelt stuff that we’ve made over the last six months. You can donate using this very link.

We don’t like to bother our audience about it, but the fact is, Shut Up & Sit Down runs almost entirely on donations. It sounds improbable, but it does work. If you’ve not gotten involved yet, and you can afford it, perhaps this could be the Summer that you make a pledge?

If you’ve supported us at some point over the last eight years(!), I can’t tell you what a difference it’s made to us. This is the best job that any of us have ever made, and we hope that we’ve shown our dedication to paying it forward.

Have a great weekend, everybody. And thank you.

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Review: Kemet: Seth and Kemet: Ta-Seti

What’s great? Killing your friends in the desert. What’s better? Doing it with robust publisher support.

In this review Matt tackles not one, but TWO expansions for magical wargame Kemet. There’s Kemet: Ta-Seti, which adds a range of exotic Egyptian modules, and Kemet: Seth, which transforms Kemet into an imbalanced, all-versus-one tale of Evil vs. Much Bigger Evil.

For more coverage of this amazing series, be sure to check out our review of Inis as well as the two best Cyclades expansions- Cyclades: Hades and Cyclades: Titans.

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Card Games That Don’t Suck: Cribbage

Our series on the best games that you can play with a 52 card deck has dealt out a wild card!

Cribbage is a great game for 2 players (though you can enjoy it with 3 or 4) that people are still playing after four hundred yearsAnd yes, that means it’s a profoundly weird thing to learn, but it also means that there’s an undeniable magic to it.

For help internalising the rules of Cribbage, we thoroughly recommend Cribbage With Grandpas, which is better than a phone game about Cribbage has any right to be.

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Review: Too Many Bones

If you’re in the mood for some Fantasy adventure, Too Many Bones is big, beautiful and… waterproof?

But don’t let a little plastic scare you away! Not since Matt’s Gloomhaven review have we been so enamoured of a co-op game of monster-thwomping. This game is brave, bizarre, and absolutely worth your attention.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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Review: Pipeline

Today we’re very proud to present our review of Capstone Games’ Pipeline. A game of pipes, lines, and… erm… the stuff that goes inside of pipes?

You mustn’t let Pipeline’s lack of theme bother you. Where we’re going we don’t need theme. Playing Pipeline, you’re going to feel the rush of seed money, the thrill of turning a profit, the rollercoaster of handling each new round at greater and greater speeds. In fact, this could be the year’s single best economic board game.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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It’s the Final 24 Hours on our second Monikers Kickstarter!

Quinns: If you own the party game Monikers, then this is an emergency! There are just 24 hours left to back our Serious Nonsense Box on Kickstarter. Packing a whopping 330 new cards, all of them hewn from tiny fragments of our funny bones, it’s a massive expansion and we’re tremendously proud of it.

But guess what? If you don’t own Monikers, the good news is that the Serious Nonsense Box is a completely standalone game. The bad news is, that makes this an emergency for you as well.

There’s no time to waste! Well, actually, there are about 22 hours to waste. But absolutely no more than that.

Thanks so much, everybody.

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SU&SD Play… 878 Vikings!

Last summer, Quinns put out an excitable review of 878 Vikings, the latest instalment in a series he calls “The mac & cheese of wargaming.”

This summer, we’ve uploaded a clash of the (online) titans! Matt and Quinns taking on the streaming team of Creative Assembly, makers of the Total War videogames. And frankly, in the face of total war, we think our team did quite well.

Have a lovely weekend, everybody.

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Review: Crokinole

Today, we’re proud to present the finale of Chronicles Month, as we poke our flag into a most elusive game in the BoardGameGeek Top 100.

Crokinole is big, it’s bold, it’s 150 years old, and a good board will cost you $300. Those are some very frightening numbers. Could this ever be a reasonable consumer purchase? Click play, and find out.

Huge thanks to the fine people at Woodestic Crokinole for providing us with a discount on our board. If you live in Europe and were interested in a Crokinole board of your very own, make them your first port of call.

Have a great weekend, everybody.

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