Quinns Walks You Through His Game Collection!

In 2015, we posted our Top 50 Games Ever. In 2017, we lost our minds examining every game in the Board Game Geek Top 100.

This year, we’re doing something a little more personal: A series of videos on the team’s board game collections, starting with Quinns. After working on SU&SD for seven years, games slipping between his fingers like grains of sand, these are the 136 (plus) games that he’s chosen to keep (and a few that are in his flat despite his best efforts).

Enjoy, everybody!

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Review: Blood on the Clocktower

Brace yourselves, because Quinns (maybe) has a new favourite board game of all time.

Blood on the Clocktower is live on Kickstarter right now, and for the first time in Shut Up & Sit Down history we’ve published our review to coincide with that Kickstarter to help to get this game into the hands of as many people as possible.

What makes it so special? Is it the haunted gerrymandering? The frightening complexity? The fact that, under all of the lying and murder, it’s a feelgood experience?

It’s all of that, and much, much more. Have a great weekend, everybody!

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Card Games That Don’t Suck: Gin Rummy

Quinns: Everyone remembers the 10 plagues of Egypt. Blood, frogs, flies, pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, fire, darkness, and mediocre card games.

Today, we’re doing our bit to rebuild society. Gin Rummy is most certainly a card game that doesn’t suck. This is a tense, tight little race for 2 players that plays a lot like an affordable version of Arboretum.

What are some of your favourite games in the creepily-named “Rummy family”?

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SU&SD Play… Twilight Imperium!

Hey, remember when we did a nine hour stream of Twilight Imperium with No Pun Included? After much grinding of CPUs and gnashing of bandwidth, we’ve just uploaded an HD recording to YouTube.

Above you’ll find part 1 (or should that be Act 1?), part 2 is right here, and part 3, the finale, can be found here.

Huge thanks to Chris and Anni for their herculean efforts behind the desk that day. If you’re at all into video games then be sure to check out their amazing video game documentary series, People Make Games.

Enjoy, everybody!

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Card Games That Don’t Suck: Oh Hell

For the third instalment of Card Games that Don’t Suck, Quinns has dug up a game that’s fun even if you don’t gamble. That’s right, everybody! Those card game scientists finally cracked it.

Oh Hell is a trick-taking game for 3-7 players that might be the ultimate idle time waster. It’s a short, simple game that somehow expands to fill a whole hour, like a wad of dough rising in the oven of your minds.

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Review: The Quest for El Dorado and the Heroes & Hexes expansion

With the release of The Quest for El Dorado, it seems that board gaming owes yet another debt to venerable designer Reiner Knizia. This game is a nail-biting race through a troublesome jungle, and we think it’s superb. A solid, simple, clean design.

…But what if you want a wobbly, complex, dirty design? Well, then you could pick up the Heroes & Hexes expansion, which Quinns also investigates in this video.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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SU&SD Play… Great Western Trail: Rails to the North

Slowly but surely, SU&SD is learning what makes a good board game stream. “Two and a half hours of Matt and Quinns playing a complicated resource management game” might not be the answer, but one thing’s for certain: That’s what we’ve uploaded to YouTube this week.

This video also documents Matt and Quinns playing the new expansion for the terrific Great Western Trail, Rails to the North, for the very first time. To be charitable, it’s not what they expect. To be candid, they play the worst game of Great Western Trail of their adult lives.

Enjoy, everybody!

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Card Games That Don’t Suck: Fight the Landlord

Did you catch the first instalment of Card Games That Don’t Suck, Ricochet Poker?  This week we’re travelling from America to China to tell you about a fantastic shedding game called Fight the Landlord.

Watching the video, you’ll notice that “2s” are valued higher than royals. It’s possible that this comes from the game’s communist roots, in much that same way that following the French revolution, it was considered distasteful to play games where kings and queens were desirable. The more you know!

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