Review: Bohnanza

It’s the beans game – and a review that’s something of a cursed chalice for team SU&SD – a filming session where seemingly everything went wrong based on half a script excavated from a Google Drive. Bohnanza (and Bohnanza:25th) is a game near and dear to Tom’s heart, and hopefully this fully unhinged first half and ponderous second makes for a compelling case as to why this horrible yellow box deserves a spot in your collection.

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Review: 5 Solo* Games Reviewed in 5* Minutes!

In her debut review, new hire Emily has rounded up FIVE of the best solo-gaming experiences you can have RIGHT NOW. Grove – a petite 9 card puzzle to grow the most citrus, Resist! – a highly thematic hand-management game of Spanish resistance, Next Station: London – a flip-and-write of messy railway network construction, and For Northwood! – a lovely little trick-taker where making friends has never felt so helpless. She even finds time to squeak in a review of Dorfromantik: the board game – a peaceful campaign tile layer about building your own sweet little village. So many games for a debut! How will Emily handle the pressure?? Remarkably well, actually – she’s put us all to shame. Enjoy!

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Review: Five Three Five

Tom is taking a look at Five Three Five this week – a charming little imported game that’s got a lovely bit of shine hidden underneath its meteorological exterior. Similar in nature to recent world-dominating favourite SCOUT – has this slim little box got what it takes to dethrone the king? Have a little watch… to find out…

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Review: Golem

Golem is a eurogame! More than that; it’s the eurogame – something of a symbol for how Tom’s feeling these days. Is it good? Does it tackle its subject matter well? Does it shunt something else from the collection? Find out in just 12 of your remaining minutes…

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Review: Lacuna

LACUNA! Another hot tube to add to your collection of hot tubes! This delightful game might be the ultimate choice to put on your coffee table. Or maybe even prop your coffee table up, if you buy four? Although we really wouldn’t recommend it. A pensive puzzler for two players, check it out!

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Summer Update

Hello! Hello! We’re excited to reveal to you all a NEW THING, and our plan for 2023 and beyond! Check out the video (and the future newsletter!) for the deets – in the meantime we’re thrilled to be leaping into unknown waters! Thanks so much for watching and supporting, folks!

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Review: Stomp the Plank

ELEPHUN-TIMES AHOY! This week’s video is about Stomp The Plank, a dexterity game that’s arguably for children but has stolen our hearts regardless. Mixing horrible push-your-luck mechanics with a truly adorable selection of plastic elephant pirate-things, this magnetic wonder is a delight for all ages and an easy recommendation. ENJ(AH)OY!

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Review: Iki

Iki! Today on the show, Tom (and a tiny, tiny bit of Matt) are taking a look at a 2015 competitive shopping game where you compete to be the best merchant in all of “one particular street in Japan”. Is it good? How’s the expansion? Find out right here!

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Review: War of the Ring: The Card Game

Matt continues his decade-long love-letter to War of the Ring – the game he hated, then loved, and still doesn’t own a copy of. It’s a chunky box for something that maybe only gets brought out twice in a decade? But oho! What is THIS? Can this retooled cards-only version of the strategy epic serve as a decent replacement? Can CARDS ALONE do justice? Maybe one simply CAN wander into Mordor, for a laugh? Just for the fun of it? Some of this and MORE, in today’s Lord of the Rings extravaganazaza, War of the Ring: The Card Game.

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